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mica seat
Home>Mica Seats是用我公司绝缘材料厂生产的硬质板状绝缘材料经加工而成的垫圈、垫片、垫板或其他异形件。在常态时具有良好的机械强度和电气性能。适于作各种电器、电焊机、避雷器、电热元件等的衬垫绝缘。
1.Special features and usage: Mica seats are parts made after processing of hard or soft insulate board to be produced by the insulating material factory of our corp. . At normal conditions, it has very good mechanical strength and electric capability and suitable for use as back-seat insulator
2.Specifications: The size and dimension and thickness of the back seat mica is to be fixed between the users and manufacturer.
2.Specifications: The size and dimension and thickness of the back seat mica is to be fixed between the users and manufacturer.